Tax-Deductible Giving

St Matthews Foundation

The St Matthews Foundation is a tax-deductible fund that supports a number of important ministries and organisations that do vital work in the Manly community. This includes the St Matthews Soup Kitchen; Anchor RE that provides religious education to local schools (Manly Village PS, Balgowlah Boys, Mackellar Girls & Manly Selective); and community chaplaincy which includes local hospitals and surf lifesaving clubs.

NOTE: All contributions to the St Matthews Foundation are tax-deductible.


Via debit/credit card

Using our secure online giving platform you can give electronically using your debit or credit card.


Via bank transfer

Give via a direct bank transfer:

Name: St Matthews Foundation Ltd

BSB: 062-000

Account: 14530025


Via cheque

Payable to “St Matthews Foundation Ltd” and delivered to the St Matthews office, 1 Darley Rd, Manly NSW 2095