St Matthews is a vibrant Anglican church in the heart of Manly on Sydney’s sunny northern beaches.
Our vision is to grow God’s Church through the Gospel.

What does it mean for us to be growing God’s Church through the Gospel?
With the good news about Jesus Christ.
Acts 1:8
To hear from and respond to the Living God in the fellowship of his people.
Colossians 3:16
To belong in Christian community as the body of Christ.
Romans 12:4-5
With the good news about Jesus Christ.
Acts 1:8
(Kids & Families and Youth)
are seeking to replicate this strategy both within each of their individual ministries and as part of the intergenerational mission of the whole church.
To be growing in faith through all of life so they are sharing Jesus love grace and truth.
Colossians 2:6-7
To be serving others in ministry.
1 Peter 4:10
What does that look like at ground level?
Our team
Meet the good folks who count it an honour to work at St Matthews Manly
Our kids
Jesus said, “let the little children come to me”. If they’re important to him, kids are important to us. Learn more about our kids ministry.
Our youth
Teenagers aren’t the future of the church, they are its beating heart, right here, right now. Find out about our youth ministry.
Our groups
The Christian life is better together. Discover more about our Growth Groups.
Other services
We do the normal stuff that churches do—baptism, weddings and funerals—as well as get involved in our local community through Soup Kitchen, Mini-Matts and ESL. Find out more.
Upcoming events
Lots goes on in the life of a church. Discover what’s coming up soon at St Matthews.