What are you doing?
Godly Habits for Growing Disciples
“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.
— Jesus (Mark 8:34-35 NIV)
Commitment Series 2020
Most Christians are unconsciously being discipled by the world and not by Jesus.
As we finish the year, we want to consciously practise godly habits that will help us be with Jesus, become like Jesus and serve Jesus in the world.
Our desire is to grow as a church into a deeper walk with Jesus
by practising godly habits.
Seven topics
over seven weeks.
Our identity as followers of Jesus.
Training to become more like Jesus.
Spending time being with Jesus.
Taking time to rest in God.
Practicing fasting and gratitude.
Hospitality to people outside our circle.
Removing what distracts to focus on what matters.
Download Growth Group Booklet.
As a companion to our Sunday services, Growth Groups will be following along, thinking deeply about how to apply each week’s message to our lives.
Are we raising money for our mission partners this Commitment Series?
Unlike previous years, we will not be doing a major fundraiser for missions this year and will find the bulk of it out of church reserves. We will invite those who want to give to Missions to give, but without the week-by-week promotion of our Mission Partners. All monies given to mission will go to our partners for supporting them in 2021.
How can I best participate in this year’s series?
Unlike previous years, we have no major events that the whole will participate in except for a hospitality week at the end of the series. The key action will take place on Sundays where we hear about the big ideas that we will grapple with in small groups mid week. The goal is to do a reset in lives and develop godly habits that will enable us to grow as faithful disciples of Christ.
How important are Growth Groups or Growth Core?
At the heart of this year’s Commitment Series will be the Growth Groups and Growth Cores. So make sure you are in one. If not, click the button below to get in touch about joining one.